Target Portfolios

Target Fixed Income Fund

Portfolio Objectives

The Fixed Income Fund is the most conservative of the target portfolios and seeks to preserve principal with less volatility than an all-bond portfolio while providing modest current income by investing approximately 50% of its net assets in money market investment funds and 50% in fixed income investment funds.

2022-09-21T20:59:17-05:00April 8th, 2016|

Target Fund 20

Portfolio Objectives

Fund 20 is an income-oriented target portfolio which seeks income and some capital appreciation by investing approximately 20% of its net assets in a broad range of domestic equity and international equity funds, 10% of its net assets in money market mutual funds, and 70% of its net assets in fixed income funds. […]

2023-11-08T20:59:57-06:00April 8th, 2016|

Target Fund 40

Portfolio Objectives

Fund 40 is a more conservative target portfolio which seeks moderate income and capital appreciation by investing approximately 40% of its net assets in a broad range of domestic equity, international equity, and real asset investment funds with the remaining 60% invested in fixed income investment funds.

2024-01-26T11:20:52-06:00April 8th, 2016|

Target Fund 60

Portfolio Objectives

Fund 60 is a moderately aggressive target portfolio which seeks capital appreciation and income by investing approximately 60% of its net assets in a broad range of domestic equity, international equity, and real asset investment funds with the remaining 40% invested in fixed income investment funds.

2024-01-26T11:20:23-06:00April 8th, 2016|

Target Fund 80

Portfolio Objectives

Fund 80 is an aggressive target portfolio which seeks a high level of capital appreciation and some income by investing approximately 80% of its net assets in a broad range of domestic equity, international equity, and real asset investment funds with the remaining 20% invested in fixed income investment funds.

2024-01-26T10:23:29-06:00April 8th, 2016|